Working from home has its advantages. It lowers costs of management and in a lot of cases raises the productivity of employees. At the level of the individual, it means more flexibility when allocating time and energy between personal and professional obligations. However, remote work also has several disadvantages. Leaders lose control of the work of their co-workers, and individuals lose their community.
Pred nekaj več kot desetimi leti je postalo delo od doma nov poslovni trend. Podjetje IBM je, na primer, leta 2009 prodalo veliko svojih pisarn po svetu in približno 40% od svojih 386.000 zaposlenih poslalo na delo od doma. Že v začetku leta 2017 pa so preklicali svoje odločitve o politiki dela od doma, ponovno vzpostavili pisarne in zaposlene pripeljali nazaj v “tradicionalno” delovno okolje.
Looking for a reason why, experts agree on one thing - working from home raised the productivity of most individuals while reducing the productivity of teams. The synergy between people, that has the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the entire organization, began to disappear.
Today, we are witnessing a similar situation, except that working from home is not a privilege or our decision, we are forced into it.
The key problem is that most leaders, as well as their co-workers, were not prepared for this step. Processes, rules and culture of remote cooperation are missing. Above all, teams must adopt new habits and routines for effective work and participation in this "new" work environment.
Med delavnico se bomo poglobili v specifike vodenja na daljavo. Kaj so prvi koraki, ki jih moramo narediti, katere dogovore moramo sprejeti s člani svojih ekip ter kakšne so lahko prednosti dela na daljavo? V okviru vodene razprave o izzivih dela na daljavo bomo iskali rešitve, postavili jasna pravila za komunikacijo in iskali načine, kako vključiti socialno noto v novo delovno okolje.